Andrew Friedland

These recent projects showcase various skills I have used in game creation. Click on each game for a more detailed description of its features, my thoughts about the game’s development, and for its source code.
Penguin Game: Fall 2010 Penguin Game
My first large project at DigiPen was to create a reusable game engine with a small demo game on top of it. I ended up building a component based engine with an impulse based physics system, advanced text serialization with levels and archetypes, and a 2D graphics system using DirectX 9. I built an arena shooter on top of the engine as a simple demonstration.
Hex: Summer 2010 Hex
Hex is a project I worked on with one of my friends from the Game Creation Society over the summer. The game is a puzzle game based around moving and removing tiles from a hexagonal grid of hexagons. I wrote the engine for the game from scratch and tried to implement multiple new ideas that I had recently read about while designing it. The project is not yet finished, but as both of us are now in the middle of the school year, we might not be able to work on it much for a while.
BeeStruction: Fall 2009 BeeStruction
This project was my first experience with a component-based system. BeeStruction was created in one semester by a 10-person team from the Game Creation Society at Carnegie Mellon University. In BeeStruction, the player controls a swarm of bees. The swarm’s goal is to grow their hive and expand their territory. In order to expand, the bees are sent out to kill and break apart elements of their environment, using the pieces to grow the hive.
Broadside: Summer 2009 Broadside
Broadside was created as an independent summer project by a two-person team to learn the iPhone SDK. It is a single-player game that is based on the idea of two capital ships pulling up next to each other and firing. Each ship has four turret mounts, and there is some rock-paper-scissors type of strategy for using the various turret types.
Collapse: Fall 2009 Collapse
Collapse was created in one week in response to an assignment to create a game using ODE in my Game Programming class at Carnegie Mellon. Collapse is a two-player competitive strategy game. Players take turn removing blocks from a structure, attempting to get the most points while making the fewest blocks fall.
Snow Fight: Fall 2009 Snow Fight
Snow Fight was created in one week in response to an assignment to create a game using a client-server network in my Game Programming course. All of the players are having a snowball fight in the middle of a snowstorm. Because of the snow, visibility is limited for each player, and both the players and their snowballs leave a visible trail that slowly gets snowed over.
Sub Game: Fall 2009 Sub Game
Snow Fight was created in one week in response to an assignment to create a game that requires sound to play in my Game Programming course. The player is challenged with guiding a submarine from one side of the map to the other without crashing into any rocks. By sending out sonar pulses and listening for echoes, the player is able to detect danger and navigate safely to the goal.